特約藝術家| Art Fabula


What is Art Fabula?
Art Fabula is the only Art Toy and Sofubi brand from Sweden, a one-man project born
from my long-held dream.

Art Fabula 是來自瑞典的唯一藝術玩具與 Sofubi 品牌,這是一個源於我長久以來的夢想的單人計劃。

About Me
My name is Juan Martínez, born in the early 80s in Spain. I studied graphic design in the
early 2000s, and it was during my time at Art School that I first heard about Art Toys. I
spent my free time on the Kidrobot forum, talking to artists like Frank Kozik and dreaming
of creating my own toy. However, back then, it was nearly impossible to create Art Toys
without the backing of bigger artists and companies. In 2006, I moved to Sweden and
started a new life and career as a high school teacher.

我叫 Juan Martínez,出生於80年代初期的西班牙。
我在 Kidrobot 論壇上花費了很多空閒時間,與像 Frank Kozik 這樣的藝術家交流,並夢想著創造自己的玩具。

History of Art Fabula
In 2020, while teaching a graphic design course at my school, I created a design like the
ones I made in the early 2000s—a round mascot with horns. This design reignited my old
dream of creating my own Art Toy. In a spontaneous and somewhat crazy move, I
completed the design, collaborated with a 3D modeler, and sent the files to a factory in
China. This led to the establishment of Art Fabula, my own Art Toy company. The rest is

Art Fabula 的歷史 2020年,當我在學校教授平面設計課程時,
這一切促成了 Art Fabula 的成立,我自己的藝術玩具公司。接下來的故事就成為歷史。

Early Work
Over the past four years, my work has evolved significantly. Initially, I created classical
designs inspired by the Art Toys from my art school years. Eggie, Bonnie, and Captain
Bpop were my first creations with this in mind. As I began to understand the market and
new trends, my style evolved, leading to the creation of King Zhaar and Mecha Zhaar.
These were my first toys with articulation and interchangeable heads and arms, which
elevated Art Fabula to a new level, receiving great fan response.

早期作品 在過去的四年裡,我的作品有了顯著的進步。
Eggie、Bonnie 和 Captain Bpop 是我在這方面的首批創作。
隨著對市場和新趨勢的了解,我的風格逐漸演變,導致了 King Zhaar 和 Mecha Zhaar 的誕生。
這些是我首批具備關節和可更換頭部及手臂的玩具,將 Art Fabula 提升到了一個新層次,獲得了極大的粉絲回應。

Current Work
I've worked hard to build Art Fabula into what it is today. Once I understood the various
branches of the toy world and discovered Sofubi as an art form, I shifted the company's
focus to traditional Japanese art. Geckogon and Borgor are my largest toys ever,
blending Japanese Sofubi with a Western touch. They were met with wonderful fan
reception, selling out quickly. Now, Art Fabula is part of the Japanese market, featured in
galleries and toy shops across Japan.

當前作品 我努力將 Art Fabula 打造成今天的模樣。
一旦我理解了玩具世界的各個分支並發現 Sofubi 作為一種藝術形式,我將公司的重心轉向了傳統的日本藝術。
Geckogon 和 Borgor 是我有史以來最大的玩具,它們融合了日本 Sofubi 和西方風格,受到了極好的粉絲反響,
迅速售罄。現在,Art Fabula 已經成為日本市場的一部分,出現在日本各地的畫廊和玩具店。

What is Coming
The success of Geckogon and Borgor has given me the opportunity to create more toys.
Three new designs are completed, with two already in production and scheduled for
release in 2025. My goal is to introduce Art Fabula to other markets, such as Taiwan and

未來計劃 Geckogon 和 Borgor 的成功讓我有機會創造更多的玩具。
我的目標是將 Art Fabula 介紹到其他市場,如台灣和泰國。